In this guide, we will show you how easy it is to name your blog. We’ll also share some examples of popular blog names specific to particular niches, just in case you need some inspiration. But first, let’s look at why choosing the right blog name is vital.

Why is a Blog Name So Important in 2023?

     I’d been thinking about my blog name for six months and during that time I explored many methods. In the next section, I’ll explain what these methods were and how they might help you.

The methods I used were very helpful and I came up with some great ideas. I found they all helped to inspire me and also highlight what names don’t work. You might not hit the right note straight away. It might take you several attempts, but don’t be discouraged because you’ll get there in the end if you persevere. I hit a brick wall myself several years ago with the blog name Digital Novas. I’d decided on a blog name but there was something about it that just didn’t feel right. I completely lost my mojo and ended up leaving the blog and doing nothing to it for quite some time. For me, the epiphany came one afternoon while hiking through the forest near my home. Thrive was a word I’d not been able to budge from my mind. I knew I should do something with it because it’s such a popular word, particularly in the US. When walking in the forest, there were no distractions, my mind was free, and this is where my blog name came to me. The only name for my blog had to be “Thrive My Way.” So, why is a blog name so important? Before you can start writing engaging content, you’ve got to think of an exceptional blog name. A blog name plays a vital role in a branding strategy and is a way of standing out and being memorable. The blog name you choose is a representation of who you are, your chosen niche, and your work online. The right name will enhance your blog’s brand image, rank higher in search results, and drive traffic to your blog. Your blog name can also establish a positive image of your blog. However, to do that, your blog name has to be something the reader will find appealing. Choosing your blog name isn’t something you should do in haste. Selecting a name at random could be the perfect recipe for disaster. If the name is wrong, it could damage your credibility, create a negative brand image, hurt your search engine optimization, and slow down traffic. Choosing a blog name is something that often throws new bloggers off course. It’s easy to lose motivation and give up. So many bloggers find this part of their blogging journey challenging. But if you approach the task methodically, explore all your options, and take advantage of all the available tools, you’ll come up with a blog name that will help you grow and succeed. In 2020, it was estimated that there were more than 600 million blogs on the internet. In addition, approximately 7.5 million blog posts are created every day. Therefore, it stands to reason that you’ve got to put in some effort if you want to stand out from the crowd. The right blog name is especially important if you’re going to capture your readers’ attention and win their views.

24 Ways To Get Great Blog Names this 2023

     Here are some of the top strategies and tips that are tried and tested. Some require financial investment, while others involve some research and your time.

1. Contest

Freelancer is a great online space if you want some help with a blog name. The platform has many brilliant minds that would consider such contests a challenge. All you’ve got to do is decide on the size of your prize and then provide entrants with all the necessary details. Around $50 to $100 is a suitable prize, and if you don’t like any of the entries, you don’t have to hand over the money. I set up a contest myself and while it wasn’t particularly productive, some of the suggestions were enough to spark my imagination and get my creative juices flowing.

2. Hiring an Agency

Many agencies would be happy to put their collective brainpower to work, creating an engaging and SEO-friendly blog name for you. Yes, it will cost money, but wouldn’t it be worth it if they found the perfect blog name? And anyway, you should be ready to spend money on your blog name. It’s going to be your brandable domain name and how people will recognize you online. Any financial investment you make will pay for itself as it drives traffic and increases readership.

3. Pick Some Brains on Upwork

Upwork is another pool of talented freelancers who are always up for an interesting assignment. One way to utilize this valuable resource is to set a challenge. In this instance, you’d be asking for help brainstorming blog name ideas. Choose five people and pay them for an hour of their time and see what develops. It shouldn’t cost you more than a couple of hundred bucks.

4. Crowdsourcing Agency

Crowdsourcing platforms have become very popular in recent years. If you’ve never heard of it before, crowdfunding is the practice of sourcing tasks or complex projects from many people. You can use these agencies or platforms if you need help with things such as funding, labor, and in this case, ideas for your blog name. However, you must choose the right crowdsourcing platform. Get the right help, and you’ll be able to get some ideas quickly, get input from hundreds of people, and move forward much quicker than if you’d gone alone. There are lots of crowdsourcing platforms to choose from. Here is a couple you might want to consider. This platform has more than 100,000 freelancers who are readily available and looking for work. You can set a task any time of the day or night and let others do the hard work for you. I did try this option myself but the interface was so complex. I put forward a task with a rate of $50 but just couldn’t figure out how to hire someone. Hopefully, you’ll have more luck than me.


Namethis is a valuable platform more commonly used by people looking for a new name for their business. However, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t work for your blog title. After all, your blog is about to become your new business.

Ink and Key

Ink and Key is a crowdsourcing platform that offers a range of marketing services, including logo design, creative writing, taglines, and naming.

5. Scrabble Clubs

If you’ve never heard of Scrabble before, it’s the ultimate crossword game for wordsmiths. This board-and-tile game is played by two to four players. Each player takes turns to form words with lettered tiles on a 225-square-board. Words spelled out by letters on the tiles interlock like words in a crossword puzzle. You can play Scrabble online, and there are hundreds of Scrabble clubs with Facebook pages. Scrabble players are lovers of the written word, so why not join a few clubs and set them a challenge? I joined a few Facebook Scrabble groups and asked some questions and asked for a few ideas.

6. Use a Dictionary for Potential Blog Names

If you’ve got no idea where to start, thumbing through a dictionary could be an excellent way to begin your search. You’re likely to come across words you’ve never heard of before, and there are bound to be a few that pique your interest. This could be all that’s required to help you figure out the right name for your blog. I bought a few dictionaries myself and they still have pride of place on my resource shelf.

7. Take Inspiration from Books

It is said that reading can open your mind, improve your imagination, and make you more creative. If you’re looking for a catchy name, you don’t have to follow any rules. Some of the world’s greatest authors could be the guiding light you need. There are millions of books out there to choose from. Each one is full to the brim with wonderful words. It might not take you very long to find something that delights and encourages you.

8. Blog Naming Formulas

If you spend any time looking at the range of different blog names, you might notice a pattern in the most successful ones. Various word combinations are arranged very creatively, which sets them apart from other blogs. You can employ several blog naming formulas if you want to come up with a unique blog name. Some of the most successful blogs use these naming formulas. This shows they’re a viable option if you want to generate a catchy blog name that your audience will find appealing. Here are a handful of examples:

Formula #1 Noun + noun examples, for example: Diary of Dreams Apple Blossoms


Formula #2 Adjective + noun, for example: Adventurous Mum Lazy Baker


Formula #3 Your nickname or name + noun, for example: Joy the Baker Sally’s Baking Addiction


Formula #4 Your name + preposition + place/noun, for example: Kate in China Stevie in Seattle

9. Blog Name Generators

You can utilize many tools when you’re looking for unique and nice-sounding names for your blog. One of the most popular is a blog name generator. There are many tools to choose from, but they tend to provide the same service and work in similar ways. For example, you type in relevant keywords, and the tool will suggest several good blog names. It will also check that there are corresponding domains available. In addition, the service provider will often help you buy and register the name you choose for your blog. Here are some of the most popular blog name generators:

Blog Name Generator by Themeisle

You first have to think of a seed term, which could describe the type of blog you want to build or a description of your niche. Then, type it into the generator tool, and it’ll come back with a list of new domain names that are available. Some of these could be expired domains, but they might still be available for you to register.


This is a simple tool, but that doesn’t stop it from being very creative. You input your keywords, such as something related to your business names, hit search, and wait for the results. You’ll get three types of results. Firstly, there will be top domains like .com, .net, and .org. The second type won’t necessarily use your keywords but will be one of the provider’s generated names. Thirdly, there will be a list of names that sound like the keyword, those that rhyme with the keyword, and a list of random suggestions.

Zyro Business BName Generator

This tool is part of a website-building platform. The blog name generator is backed by AI, so you could get some exciting names. Simply enter a keyword that best represents your blogging niche and hit the generate button. Find one in the list that you like, and you can copy the name and buy your domain name with one click.


Nameboy also uses keywords for its suggestions. Enter one or two keywords and then press submit. You’ll get a list of possible domain names, and you’ll be able to see which ones are available. You can use Nameboy for purchasing the domain name you like. This tool also protects your domain, and if you use multiple domain names, it will manage them for you.


This tool gives you several options. You can select a quality level and language for your name. You also have the opportunity to specify the locations of the keywords in your blog name. Wordoid will provide several options and let you know which domain names are available for registration.

10. Thesaurus

A thesaurus lists words in groups of synonyms and finds related concepts that spark many new name ideas. You’ll find a thesaurus a goldmine of inspiration. In addition, it’s a handy resource if you want to find a new way to say something. For example, if your blog is travel-related, you might have noticed that the word “travel” is used too often. A thesaurus will suggest alternatives such as globe-trotting, voyage, or wanderlust. There are other thesaurus-like resources that can help you find the right blog name. For example: This tool helps you find words related to a specific word or phrase. This tool helps you find adjectives for things you’re trying to describe. OneLook: Describe a concept, and you’ll get a list of words and phrases related to that concept. OneLook Dictionary Search: This tool gives you words that often appear near your word. Reverse Dictionary: Search for words by their definition. WordHippo: Find phrases ending with a specific word.

11. Use a Rhyming Dictionary

Why are songs so appealing? It might have something to do with the rhymes that keep you humming a tune. If it works for music, why not use the same strategy in choosing a blog name? You don’t have to be a songwriter or budding poet to develop a rhyming name because there are tools that do all the hard work for you.

12. Alliteration

Alliteration is when matching letters or sounds appear at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. Such word pairings tend to roll very smoothly off the tongue. They can also be very memorable because they’re usually very catchy. This characteristic is handy for helping users remember your blog name to come back to later. The process of creating alliterations is quite simple. A good way to get started is to create a list of as many words as you can think of that start with the same letter of the word you’re planning to use. Don’t worry if you’re struggling because there are many alliteration tools and guides you can use online.

13. Abbreviations

You might come up with a great name only to realize it’s much too long to use for a blog name. When this happens, turn to the power of abbreviations. WP is the abbreviation for WordPress and is used in many blog names, for example, WPBeginner. This is because abbreviations are easier to remember, and the user is less likely to make a typo when they put your blog name in their browser.

14. Unrelated Words

We’ve already looked at the possibility of using related words with the help of a thesaurus, but how about going the other way and using unrelated words? It might seem like a random idea, but some well-known brands have used this strategy very successfully. What about Red Dog Music, who decided to pair dogs and music? And we all know the successful technology company that chose to use the name of a fruit.

15. Use Another Language

If you’ve got this far and you’re still struggling to come up with a suitable name, consider using a different language other than your native one. You also have the option of combining words from different languages. If you’re not the master of another language, use Google Translate to get some inspiration for foreign words, related or unrelated, to your brand.

16. Check Your Competition

It might not seem like the best place to look for blog names, but it might be just the inspiration you need. Tech blogs are an excellent example of how this can work. Some of the most popular tech blogs have very similar-sounding names. The word “tech” features many of them, together with another distinguishing word. For example:

TechCrunch: Technology and startup news TechVibes: Technology vibes, culture, and innovation TechRadar: The place to go for tech buying advice

17. Pen and Paper Brainstorm

Sometimes, there’s nothing wrong with going back to basics, and it doesn’t get more basic than a piece of paper and a pen. The good thing about this option is that you can take it with you wherever you go. Who knows when inspiration will strike? There are no distractions with pen and paper, and all you’ve got to do is write down what’s in your head. Thousands of people use pen and paper to help clear their minds, and you might find you feel more inspired when the words are written down in front of you. One idea might lead to another, and who knows where you’ll end up? If you want to take this idea one step further, why not invite friends and family to participate and organize a brainstorming session? We all look at life in a slightly different ways and getting others to join in means you’re bound to end up with ideas you’d never have considered on your own. I used this idea myself and for thirty days, for one hour every morning before starting work, I brainstormed and wrote down a range of different names. Once again, the word “Thrive” kept appearing and I found myself creating a long list of alternative names that featured this word.

18. Use Your Name

There are lots of successful bloggers who have used their names. Neil Patel, John Espirian, and Gill Andrews are just a few examples. However, there are pros and cons to this option. Your name will work very well if you offer personal branding services. However, it’s not going to work so well if you’re selling a product. Anyone looking at your brand name will have no idea what you sell. In such cases, it’s often better to use the product name. Another disadvantage is that if you ever want to sell your blog or domain name, other bloggers aren’t going to be interested. So you won’t be able to sell your site as quickly. I thought this might work for me and decided to buy the domain name After rolling this idea around in my head for a couple of weeks I decided to ditch this domain name. I felt the blog name didn’t roll off the tongue and wouldn’t sound right for an English-speaking audience.

19. Choose a Completely Random Name

It’s perfectly feasible to choose a blog name that has no apparent connection to your blog topic. It can still be very memorable, and one such name is Melting Butter. Believe it or not, this is the name of a popular travel blog. However, we’ve got to say that choosing a random name is a considerable risk, especially if this is your first blog and you’re completely unknown. However, it could work well if you gain some notoriety because your blog name will undoubtedly stand out.

20. Use Suffixes, Phonemes, and Prefixes

Prefixes can be fun. Just the same as suffixes, they have their own meanings, and you can use those meanings to your advantage when you’re naming your blog. Darren Rowse of ProBlogger, for example, did a great job with his blog name. Shopify is another great example, along with Etsy, Spotify, and Loverly.

21. Use Puns

A pun is a funny word or phrase with different possible meanings. Here’s a great one from Douglas Adams: “You can tune a guitar, but you can’t tuna fish. Unless, of course, you play bass.” The words in this straightforward sentence have multiple meanings, and he uses them for humorous effect. It’s possible to do precisely the same with names that align with your blog topic and tone. Such a name will lighten things up and make your blog stick at the top of your mind with readers. Here are a few examples of blog names that do just that:

Will Run for Margaritas One Handed Cooks Economies of Kale Planet of the Grapes

If you like the idea of using puns, look for words and phrases that align with your blog niche. Ideally, they will convey the blog topic and, at the same time, inject some humor.

22. Use Tumblr for Inspiration

Tumblr is a US microblogging and social networking website that allows users to post multimedia content to a short-form blog. Some of the blog names people use are very creative and aren’t registered domains.

23. Make a Common Saying Your Own

Another popular way to develop a name for your blog is to modify a turn of phrase or an idiom. One example is the makeup blog “She’s in the Glow.” It’s an obvious play on words, and the blogger has based it on the phrase “in the know.” If you’re looking for inspiration, check out The Idioms website.

24. Create a Portmanteau

A portmanteau is a word that blends sounds and combines the meaning of two others. Examples include “podcast,” which combines the words iPod and broadcast. Brunch is another example that comes from breakfast and lunch. You’ll have to put your thinking cap on, but it is possible to combine two words to create a new one. For example, consider words that convey key brand values or how you can help your audience. Here are some more portmanteaus for inspiration:

Cockapoo from cocker spaniel and poodle Labradoodle from Labrador retriever and poodle Animaniacs from animated and maniacs Alcopop from alcohol and pop Banoffee from banana and toffee Acupressure from acupuncture and pressure Zoodles from zucchini and noodles

Tips to Consider When Naming Your Blog

     Choosing a blog name is a big decision, and it will set the tone for your blog’s brand and impact your SEO. It also needs to be recognizable, easy to pronounce, and spell.

Here are some tips that will help you choose a blog name that is brandable, memorable, and easy to spell.

Target Your Audience

Your target audience is a key factor when choosing a blog name. Who are you trying to attract? It’s obviously not going to be everyone, so think about who your target audience is.

Who are you writing for? Whose problems are you trying to solve? Who are the people you cater to? Who are the people who might be looking for the content you create?

Are you solving problems for ambitious millennials or busy moms? Are your blogs for people who have found themselves in debt or those who make more than $100k a year? Once you’ve determined your target audience, you can think about a name that will stand out to them. Your blog name should tell everyone who your blog is for and let them know they’re in the right place.

Write Down Detailed Blog Goals

New bloggers often get carried away with the moment, get a new idea for a blog, do all the necessary research, and quickly register a new domain so they can start publishing straightaway. This initial excitement can be counterproductive and is a little like Shiny Object Syndrome, albeit on a smaller scale. There’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting to get going as soon as possible. However, it does mean you might not be thinking things through properly. You’ll also find yourself going from one idea to the next without making any real progress. For this reason, before you start worrying about your new blog name, spend some time thinking about your long-term goals and making a plan. Once you’ve clearly defined your goals and plans, you can move on to finding a blog name that aligns with them well.

It Must be Something Brandable

There’s no time like the present to think about creating a brand identity for your blog. Your blog name will be at the center of everything, so make sure it counts. Your blog name should be easy to brand, which means:

Choosing a name that doesn’t already exist Selecting a name that’s available and readable as a domain name and social handle Picking a name that looks good in a logo

Make it Short and Catchy

Aim for a blog name that is short, catchy, easy to remember, and easy to spell. Of course, you might struggle to meet all these criteria, but you should at least consider them all. If you want people to find you online, a short and catchy name is definitely going to help. Conversely, a long and boring name will be lost and won’t stick in people’s minds. Another good reason to opt for a short blog name is that you’ll have more space to optimize the blog post. This is important for SEO and branding.

No Numbers, No Dashes

Numbers and special characters such as dashes generally have no place in a blog or domain name. Numbers you could perhaps get away with, but only if your brand name includes a number. As a general rule, avoid special characters at all costs. Hyphens or dashes are a definite no-no as they are very old-school. However, you often find them used to make domain names easier to read or to avoid awkward words.

Get Something That Will Allow You to Pivot

You might want to consider a blog name that’s a little bit broad, just in case you need to pivot to an adjacent niche sometime in the future. My own blog name “Thrive My Way” gives me plenty of opportunities if I want to pivot. I can add a new category at any time, for example, mental health, going to the gym, or anything else motivational and it will be relevant to the blog name I’ve chosen.

How Does it Sound?

Your blog name should be easy to say and spell. It might look good on paper, but what does it sound like when read aloud? Sometimes, it can be ambiguous when you say a name out loud. The photo storage site Flickr is an excellent example of this. It’s a cool name, with an even cooler spelling, but people were entering Flicker rather than the correct spelling. The photo business bought both domain names to overcome the issue and avoid losing customers.

Most of the Normal Blog Names Will be Taken

Can you remember what life was like before the internet came along? Over the last couple of decades, it has exploded, which means that many domain names will already be taken. Domains are big business. After spending months researching, brainstorming, and mulling over possible blog names, you’ll find it very disappointing to discover that the corresponding domain name is taken. But, unfortunately, it’s often the case nowadays. As soon as you’ve decided on a blog name, check out the domain name availability. Namecheap is a good place to do this. If you find your chosen domain name unavailable, this platform will spit out alternatives with different Top Level Domains. If none of the alternatives rock with you, it’s a case of heading back to the drawing board to discover a new blog name.

Buy Only .com

.com is a TLD or Top-Level Domain. There are currently more than 1,500 of them, and the list is constantly expanding. The list is maintained by IANA, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. The most recognizable TLD is still .com. It is also the most used, followed by .org and .net. TLDs serve a purpose in some instances. For example, .gov is reserved for government websites. Countries also have specific domain extensions. There are also lots of trendy TLDs being released regularly. It might be fun to choose one of these, but it might not be the right choice in the long run.

Check What It Means in Different Languages

It pays to check what your blog name means in different languages. Let’s introduce the legend of the Chevrolet Nova to explain what we mean. Classic business legend holds that the Chevrolet Nova sold poorly in Spanish-speaking countries because of a translation oversight. Nova translates to “doesn’t go” in Spanish, which is not a good concept for a new car.

See What Your Domain Name Idea Looks Like in Writing

It’s usual for a URL to match the blog name, so you have to be careful that your blog name looks good as a domain name, not just in name form. For example, “My Blog” might be the name, while the domain name will be “” It’s possible that your domain name could sound or look inappropriate because two words will be written in one string. Here’s a couple of examples that we hope won’t offend anyone:

Avoid Brand Names and Trademarks

Using parts of commercial brand names or trademarks in your domain is not allowed as you risk violating copyrights. If, for example, you want to write a blog about driving your Mazda around in the city, you’re better off using the word “car” rather than “Mazda” in your domain.

Use Verbs or Action Words

If you include verbs in your blog name, they will act as a call to action for your readers. It’s very creative and effective. Try to use words that will create a specific image in your reader’s mind because they will be more memorable, for example, go, now, and win. Verbs are engaging and spark action in your reader’s mind.

Check Social Media Platforms

It’s always worth checking whether your blog name is also available on all the social media platforms. It’s much better to have one brand name you can use across all social media accounts, including Twitter. It makes it easy for people to find you, and you won’t risk losing your audience to another site.

Avoid Doubled Letters

If you include double letters in your blog name, it can be super-confusing when readers type the domain name out. This can happen when you have more than one word in your name and the last letter of the first word and the first letter of the second word are the same. For example:


114 Really Good Blog Name Examples to Inspire You 2023

If you’re looking for some examples of blog names to get you started, here are some of the most popular blogs in a range of different niches to inspire you.

Catchy Blog Names

A catchy blog name is going to be remembered. Here are some examples:

Cute Blog Names

A cute blog name for you might be one of the following:

Cool Blog Names

If you want to be the coolest new blogger on the block consider one of the following:

Funny Blog Names

Choose a blog name that brings a smile to people’s faces. Here are some examples:

Clever Blog Names

Are you trying to be smart? Perhaps one of the following will suit your blog.

Creative Blog Names

Here are some of the best and most creative blog name ideas.

Happy Blog Names

A happy blog name should make your readers glad to read your posts. So here’s some inspiration for your name.

Fashion Blog Name Ideas

If you want to keep your readers informed of the latest trends, choose a name that conveys this. For example:

Beauty Blog Name Examples

A beauty blog name should inspire readers to try something new or perfect their beauty routine. Here are some examples:

Technology Blog Name Ideas

Choose a blog name that appeals to your specific audience. Here are some examples:

If your blog is about anything writing-related, choose a blog name that lets visitors know. For example:

Fitness Blog Name Ideas

Here are some excellent blog name ideas in the fitness niche.

Nutrition and Food Blog Name Ideas

If food and nutrition are your things, get inspiration from these popular foodie blogs.

Christian Blog Names

If you want to start a Christian blog but don’t have a name yet, here are some names for inspiration.

Lifestyle Blog Names

A lifestyle blog name should lay the foundation for a unique blog name. Here are some examples:

Digital Marketing Blog Name Ideas

A digital marketing blog name needs to be engaging. So here are some catchy ideas.

Personal Finance Blog Names

Here are some excellent blog name ideas in the personal finance niche.

Crafting and DIY Blog Name Ideas

If you want to help your audience be more creative, here are some names for inspiration:

Good Photo Blog Names

If you’re thinking of starting a blog about photography, here are some ideas to inspire your creative juices.

Parenting Blog or Mom Blog Name Ideas

A mom blog can be amusing but at the same time magical, so choose a name that reflects this. For example:

Education Blog Name Ideas

Don’t let naming your education blog to turn into a headache. Take some inspiration from the following:

Travel Blog Names

Here are some great travel blog name ideas in the travel niche:

Pet Blog Name Ideas

Would you like to start a blog about being a pet owner? Here are some inspiring ideas:

Best Places to Buy a Domain Name

The next step in your blogging journey is to buy your domain name. You can’t start publishing your blogs until this is done. Unfortunately, there are many domain name registrars to choose from, making things somewhat confusing. You’ve got to consider several things, and while cost is a huge factor, you’ve also got to think about protecting yourself, bundled or optional extras, level of customer support, and ease of use. Let’s look at nine of the most popular registrars and see how they measure up.

1. Bluehost

Bluehost is a favorite if you’re creating your first website or writing your first blog. You can take advantage of a free domain and web hosting in one go. If you’re going to use WordPress, Bluehost is a one-click install. The process is intuitive and easy, regardless of your technical knowledge. Choose the hosting and domain name package and you could save more money in the long run. All hosting plans come with a free domain, and the Bluehost domain manager makes it easy if you want to buy, track, transfer, and update domain names from a simple dashboard. Auto-renewal is an option, plus you get a free SSL certificate, which other domain registrars could charge as an add-on.


The hosting package includes a free domain name Free SSL certificate One-click install with WordPress


Constant upsells can be frustrating Speed doesn’t come out at the top of the table


Prices start from as little as $2.75 per month. However, this is subject to change if there are any promotional deals.

2. GoDaddy

GoDaddy offers a cheap and easy domain registrar service. One of its stand-out features is that it gives you basic domain privacy and protection whenever you purchase a domain. You get peace of mind knowing your personal blog information is hidden from the public. If you want to increase your protection, you simply upgrade to the full domain privacy and protection plan. You can also take advantage of some great deals if you choose to bundle your domain with a website. Save as much as 45% when you bundle your domain with a website and include SEO tools and privacy protection. If you want to create a webstore, there’s also a solid eCommerce plan available. There is also a bulk domain search tool that allows you to check the availability of as many as 500 domain names and purchase those you’re interested in. If the domain you want is already taken, there is a GoDaddy’s Domain Broker Service. One of their agents will act as an intermediary and help you get the best deal you can.


Domain name purchasing and web hosting 1-click installation for WordPress Bulk domain name purchases are possible


Far too many upsell Poor customer support


For a dot com domain name, you will be charged $17.99 per year. Dot net domains are $19.99 and a dot co domain will set you back $34.99.

3. Namecheap

Namecheap is one of the most affordable registrars and currently enjoys around a 2.5% market share. As well as allowing you to purchase a domain name it can also help you transfer all the domains you might have registered with another registrar, so all your domain names are registered in one place. As well as domain names, Namecheap offers web hosting, WordPress hosting, email hosting, security services, integration with third-party apps, website builders, and much more. During the checkout process, you have the option to buy your domain name for between one to ten years. You can also choose domain auto-renew as well.


Easy-to-use interface Budget-friendly pricing Domain and hosting service


No phone support Limited hosting plans


For a dot com domain, you pay just $5.98 per year. A dot co domain cost starts from $3.98 per year, while a dot IA domain will cost you from $69.98 per year.

4. HostGator

HostGator is a popular company that offers website owners a one-stop shop for domain names and shared website hosting. Also available is a good selection of easy-to-use DNS tools, extensions, and domain privacy. If you want to find your domain name, there’s an easy-to-use domain search tool. If you’re new to all this you’ll be pleased to learn the domain management area is beginner-friendly and everything is well documented. Alongside its domain name and hosting service, there is a brand-new website builder they’ve called Gator. Choose a website builder plan and your domain name and hosting will be free.


Domain management areas are designed with the beginner blogger in mind One-stop-shop for domains and website hosting New website builder now available


Only really suitable for small websites


Prices start from just $2.75 per month. This will get you one website, one-click WordPress installs, free WordPress website transfer, unmetered bandwidth, free SSL certificate, and free domain.

5. DreamHost

DreamHost is another registrar that offers hosting alongside your domain name purchase. If you sign up for the Shared Unlimited hosting plan, you get a free domain name with domain privacy included. If you only want to register a domain name, this will cost $8.99 per year, which includes free private registration. More than 400 TDLs are available and they all come with similar domain management tools that you would expect from a large domain provider. DreamPress is an additional service. This WordPress hosting is suitable for larger websites.


You can register just a domain name without buying a hosting Good selection of domain management tools WordPress hosting is an additional option


Only allows up to three years of registration


Dot com domain names start from $5.99 for the first year. After that, renewals are charged at the regular rate of $17.99. A dot org domain name will cost $11.99 for the first year after which the price increases to $15.99 per year.

6. offers a wide range of services, however, it primarily focuses on selling domains. The platform is very easy to use and the checkout process is simple. However, it does feature a very annoying number of upsells. The base time for a domain purchase is set at two years, but you can adjust it if you only want to purchase the domain name for twelve months. In addition to the domain name side of the service, also offers web hosting services that include its own custom Website Builder.


Reasonable pricing Includes a web hosting service Customer Website Builder available


Customer service is slow An annoying number of upsells when you try to purchase your domain name


Prices start at $6.99 per year for a dot co domain name. For a dot com domain name, the price is $9.99. A dot net domain name will cost a little bit more at $12.99.

7. Hover

Hover is primarily a domain registrar but it also offers email. Choose Hover for your domain name registrar, and you’ll need a separate web host. Discounts are offered for bulk domains so it’s a good option if you need multiple domains. Hover is a registrar that often offers special deals on specific extensions plus you get the option to register a domain for up to 10 years. The website is clear and straightforward and the pricing page allows you to check all registration costs before committing to a package. There’s also a search box that lets you locate your preferred TLD. One big plus with this site is that it keeps upselling to a minimum, even when you get to the final shipping cart stage. Support is available by email and chat, although it’s not 24/7.


Easy search filtering Fair pricing Free Whois privacy included


Support isn’t 24/7


A dot com domain currently costs start from$13.99 per year. Renewals are $15.99 per year, while transfers will set you back $13.99.

8. Shopify

If you’re planning to set up an eCommerce store alongside your blog, Shopify is the intelligent option. Shopify allows you to set up your own website, register your domain, host your domain, and provide email and customer support functionality. Register your domain name with Shopify, and it will be connected to your online store immediately. Prices are a little more expensive than other domain registrars, but renewal fees are reasonable. However, if you’ve no plans for setting up an online store, one of the other registrars on this list might be the right choice.


One-stop-shop for new eCommerce stores Easy to set up You can create email accounts for your domains


More expensive Your domain is tied to Shopify hosting


Prices start from $11 to $14 per year, and your renewal pricing is consistent with your first-year purchase price.

9. Buy Domains

BuyDomains gives you the option to search for premium domain names matching your search terms. Premium domain names are already registered but are available for sale from a third party. This type of domain tends to be shorter, more memorable, and brandable. Unfortunately, such great features usually mean the domain will be more expensive. Some of the most sought-after domain names come with a price tag of several thousand dollars. You would need a separate hosting, but there’s always Siteground you could use.


Highly sought-after domain names Strong branding potential


Very expensive


Prices are on a domain name basis. They start from just a couple of hundred dollars but can be as high as $4,000 or more.

What is a good blog name?

A good blog name is short, memorable, unique, and contains your main keywords.

How do I choose a blog name?

Choosing the right blog name depends on your niche, audience, services, and products. There are lots of tried and tested ways to name your blog. Here are just a few:

Use your name Reach for the Thesaurus or dictionary Use abbreviations or acronyms Use a blog name generator Try alliteration or assonance

Should I name my blog after myself?

Many bloggers have chosen to use their names and have been very successful. One of the benefits of using your name is that it’s not likely to change. In addition, people connect with you as a person rather than a business entity.

How to change the domain name of my WordPress blog?

Changing the domain name of your WordPress blog is very simple. Log in to your WordPress theme site and click on the settings menu. Select General and update the following fields with the new domain name:

WordPress Address (URL) Site Address

Then all you have to do is click Save Changes.

The difference between a blog name and a blog domain name?

A blog name is just the name of your blog post. It tells a user what your blog is about. You can change your blog name anytime you want. The blog domain name is the address of your website. Your blog domain name is a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the blog. Unlike a blog name, a blog domain name is not so easy to change.

Should your domain name contain keywords to boost SEO rankings?

If you want to rank higher, of course, having keywords does help. Having keyword-mashed names also makes it easier to rank. What’s more important is that the keywords are within the URL of the page.

Final Takeaways

Finding the right name for your blog is crucial but don’t get so hung up on the task that you get stuck. You might not be thrilled with your choice to start with, but there’s always the option of rebranding and changing it in the future. When you choose a blog name, try to find something that interests your target audience. It should also be simple and memorable. For example, it might be funny, cute, shocking, strange, or sweet. The main point is that your blog name fits both you and your readers. About

How to Come Up with a Perfect Blog Name  Tips   Tricks  2023 - 21How to Come Up with a Perfect Blog Name  Tips   Tricks  2023 - 43How to Come Up with a Perfect Blog Name  Tips   Tricks  2023 - 10How to Come Up with a Perfect Blog Name  Tips   Tricks  2023 - 77How to Come Up with a Perfect Blog Name  Tips   Tricks  2023 - 57How to Come Up with a Perfect Blog Name  Tips   Tricks  2023 - 45How to Come Up with a Perfect Blog Name  Tips   Tricks  2023 - 89How to Come Up with a Perfect Blog Name  Tips   Tricks  2023 - 97