Human negligence is innate and inevitable. Despite the working environment improving to a great extent these days, the number of accidents that occur has not reduced much. The proactive usage of Augmented Reality in safety-related measures is an initiative to improve workplace welfare, support working conditions, and the safety of employees.  This article on Augmented Reality safety will give you an insight into how industries are using AR for their betterment.

Well, What Is Augmented Reality First?

“Augmented Reality gives you the ability to see the world, but also be able to overlay digital objects on top of that…”  -Mark Zuckerberg This is what the CEO of Meta has to say about Augmented Reality, and it means exactly the same. To give the easiest example for understanding, Snapchat filters are the most commonly used AR tools. In the simplest terms, AR provides an amplified and interactive view of the real world attained through digital visual elements. 

How Does Augmented Reality Safety Alleviate the Industrial Environment? 

Augmented Reality has found homage in many industries by manifesting its usage in assorted areas. AR mapping of a workplace, integrating it in health and safety inspections, utilizing Augmented Reality safety in training the workforce, and hunting down issues are some of the factors to note when wondering why companies use it deliberately.  Here are a few ways AR safety can help industries:

3D Envisage Secure Scrutiny Hunting Down Issues Employee Training

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1. 3D Envisage

Contrary to classical 2D mapping, AR helps provide superimposed computer-generated 3D models onto the existing environment without any additional hardware. Making use of computer vision-based surveillance tools to collect data on indoor spaces, AR digitizes the physical environment. This is highly useful for tracking equipment ranging from fire extinguishers to emergency exits, to any sort of machinery you may want to use in times of need. During unfortunate calls for an emergency, these mapping facilities aid safety personnel in navigating their way through the facility. These 3D models, also known as Building Information Models (BIM), have already been implemented in countries like the US, the UK, and Australia.  Areas, like restricted indoor spaces or multi-storeyed buildings, are troublesome to make out in normal mapping. The AR-generated floor map can be accessed on a smartphone or any other smart device, which is compatible with this high-end technology, and a guided path can be followed. 

2. Secure Scrutiny

Advancing from the traditional workplace inspections by officers, Augmented Reality safety has permitted automatic safety audits. Comparatively, they are a cost-efficient means to conduct health and safety inspections. Although there is heightened awareness about workplace safety, the number of unfortunate incidents that occur is still massive. UN’s International Labour Organization (ILO) has given shocking reports that almost 2 million people die from work-related causes every year.  Hazardous units involving highly flammable toxic and reactive chemicals can be examined thoroughly off-site. In industries with large machinery, Augmented Reality safety can be used to verify whether all the checkpoints are probed.  With this next-level technology, the physical whereabouts of the scrutinizer can be kept track of. Unauthorized entry into restricted spaces or hazardous areas can be documented and prevented. Inspections are clearer, and leave no room for error or any accident to occur. 

3. Hunting Down Issues 

Although seemingly an odd pairing, Augmented Reality safety and heavy machinery actually go hand in hand. Technical information can be overlaid on machinery to allow engineers to check the occurrence of any issues, and correct those that have already been identified. Detailed reports with video and images can be fetched. Data from previous examinations are only a click away, and can help guide the staff to perform immediate action if needed. Any discrepancies can be reported with detailed pictorial form and location coordinates. The on-site staff ratio can also be minimized, or eradicated altogether in hazardous workspaces, leaving no room for mishaps. These places can be accessed remotely using AR, and yield even better surveillance.  Also Read:

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4. Employee Training

Using Augmented Reality safety in employee training is a welcome development. Undoubtedly, AR is second to none in creating real-life scenarios. These will allow trainees to practice new expertise without the worry of safety. Hazardous situations can be artificially simulated, and proactive training can be given. Instead of the conventional way of feeding contextual information on what to do in times of emergency, AR-powered training can help to get hands-on experience for a quick response. AR backing in workplace safety training,has allowed the process to become experiential, and workers can practice all they have been verbally taught. Workers can get all the training they want without exploiting resources until they become familiar with handling particular situations. Textual work instructions and safety precautions are highly time-consuming, and tedious to read. Instead, using an AR headset allows precise guidance during these tasks.   Kicking out traditional classroom learning, AR training has proved its competency by visibly improving employee quality. Most workplace catastrophes occur with human errors. This can be avoided on a large scale when the right form of training is given.  It can help minimize risk and maximize adherence to regulations. AR-based training not only saves billions of dollars worldwide, but also has the ability to save the priceless lives of many loved ones.  With Augmented Reality safety hitting the factory floor, new hope exists for a better and safer industrial workspace. Employers’ most precious assets are their employees. Protecting them should be their top priority. Welcoming the latest technologies to ensure this is their obligation.  Standing on the cusp of a revolution in technology, introducing AR in various fields has lent a helping hand to many troubles. Tim Sweeny, an American video game programmer, and the founder of Epic Games has marked his work on Augmented Reality by saying, ” I believe that Augmented Reality will be the biggest technological revolution that happens in our lifetimes.” Although mostly in the developmental stage, there is no hesitancy in declaring that Augmented Reality is rapidly seeping into our lifestyles. Of course, there are two sides to a coin. With such a high-end development comes heightened risks of third-party interference and access to privileged information. AR bridges the gap between reality and illusion. Owing to its great future potential, carefully using AR facilities is the best way to use them for now.  Suggested Reads:

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Bottom Line of Augmented Reality Safety

The duo of Augmented Reality and industries is powerful enough to cause a metamorphosis in various areas, like finance, society, employment, and culture. This bubbling sector can potentially turn the global economic landscape upside down. Revolutions of modern technology, like AR, can determine the nature of future industries. Taking into consideration its innumerable advantages, the cautious implication of AR by manufacturers is most sensible.