As a purpose-led company, Vodafone’s idea is to create value for society and shareholders. In this article, we’ll provide you with a better overall understanding of Vodafone’s most relevant business stats and facts.

General Vodafone Stats and Facts 2023

Vodafone’s idea is to become the new generation connectivity and digital services provider in Europe and Africa. We have put together some of the most relevant statistics and facts about this leading telecommunications company:

Vodafone Market Share Statistics 2023

The Market share held by Vodafone in its main markets of operation in 2020 was:

Vodafone Usage & Customers Stats 2023

As one of the world’s largest mobile networks aiming to build a digital society, Vodafone connects people all over the world. To give you a better idea of how broad the company network is, we collected the most relevant customer statistics:

Vodafone Employees Statistics 2023

Looking to accelerate its transition to become a new-generation connectivity and digital services provider for Europe and Africa, Vodafone makes sure to create and promote an inclusive environment where every employee has the opportunity to thrive and grow. Let’s learn some statistics and facts about Vodafone’s people:

Vodafone Revenue Statistics 2023

Vodafone’s revenue comes from a range of leading connectivity products and platforms to both consumers and businesses of all sizes across Europe and Africa. Here are some of Vodafone’s revenue statistics for 2022:

Vodafone Stock Stats 2023

Wondering how much the Vodafone stock will be worth in 2022? Here are some of the most relevant Vodafone stock statistics:

Unknown Facts About Vodafone

Every company has a beginning and a story, and Vodafone is no exception. Here are some facts about Vodafone that you probably don’t know:

How many customers does Vodafone have in the world?

Currently, Vodafone has 315 million mobile customers, and its TV platform has more than 22m customers.

What is the average data usage for Vodafone?

In 2021 the average mobile data usage per customer in Europe was 7.2 GB/month.

How many countries are using Vodafone?

Vodafone operates mobile and fixed networks in 21 countries and has fixed operations in 17 countries.


Vodafone is new-generation connectivity and digital service provider. It’s the operator with the largest 5G mobile network in Europe, currently expanding the business in Africa with pioneering platforms such as M-Pesa. Whether you use Vodafone’s services or not, we hope this article has given you an overall view of one of the most valuable brands on the planet. Sources:

Vodafone Statista Stock Analysis Fidelity LinkedIn


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