In the recent pandemic, with its associated lockdowns and working from home, many people have chosen meditation to relieve themselves of anxiety, fear, and other forms of emotional and mental distress. So you can be better informed about the art of meditation, we’ve gathered together some interesting meditation statistics.

General Meditation Stats and Facts 2023

Benefits of Meditation Stats

Meditation at Work and School Stats 2023

Meditation and Technology Stats

The popularity of Meditation Stats

Mind-Blowing Meditation Stats 

What percentage of successful people meditate?

Meditation is a daily habit for 80% of successful people.

How long does it take to see results from meditation?

If you practice every day for between 10 and 20 minutes, you can expect to see some positive results in just a few weeks. However, it could take up to two weeks.

How long does it take to learn meditation?

To get yourself in the habit and master meditation, you should practice consistently for a couple of weeks.


There are many reasons why people choose to meditate. Whether it’s for their general well-being, to reduce the risk of certain illnesses and diseases, to deal with anxiety, or get a better night’s sleep, meditation statistics back up the practice’s growing popularity. With the modern world becoming more stressful, it’s no surprise that people are looking for alternative ways to achieve peace of mind. Lucky for them, meditation has shown how perfect it can be if you want inner peace. We used a range of resources to create our list of meditation stats, including the following:

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