When I started using the best weight loss apps and the best workout apps for Android, I felt really weird and tired. Turns out, I was sweating out most of the body water and spending a lot of time dehydrated. Sure, it was not a severe case of dehydration, but it was enough to make me feel odd and uncomfortable. Since I have one great water drinking reminder app on my Android smartphone, I have never felt more energized. Your body has a way of telling you to take water but some factors can shut it down for a while. This is exactly where the drink reminder apps come in handy, they track the time and amount and tell you when to drink water. Note: The 5 best water drinking reminder apps for Android were tested on a Samsung Galaxy Note III smartphone. The apps worked just as intended and no problems were faced during testing. I personally use the number one app on the list throughout my day and it has served me well. I also recommend that you stick to one app alone for your reminding needs. Some of the apps may require an internet connection to work fully.

1. Water Drink Reminder


Staying hydrated throughout the day is extremely important. If you want to lose weight and gain that perfect figure, you will love having one of the best water drinking reminder apps for Android on your smartphone. Almost all the apps are compatible with Android Wear which makes them an ideal companion for the best running apps for Android as well. Of course, there are regular reminders about taking water in the app, but it’s the little touches that make it a great app to use. For example, the app gives you a customized cup and even imperial or metric units for easy understanding. Graphs and logs help you in maintaining a record of your drinking patterns. The app even has smart watch support which is great for those who can’t take their phone out in office. Free Version

2. Hydro Coach

The app uses a formula to calculate the ideal amount of water you need individually. This also means that you will need to fill out a form for the app to actually start recommending optimal times. Age, gender, weight and lifestyle questions will be asked, but after that, you will be set. I also recommend that you select one glass and stick with it. Free Version

3. Aqualert

The app also calculates how many servings of water you should take as taking more can also be harmful to some people. I really like how easy it is to tell the app that you have drank. The app also comes with a customizable serving size but, I suggest you stick to one container for at least half a day, this makes everything easier. Free Version

4. Drink Water

Enter your weight and the app will tell you how much you should drink per day. After that, you will be able to see a virtual glass fill as you take water every day. This is a clean and neat way of informing a person of their daily needs. Don’t worry, the app is not barebones either. You will still have detailed graphs and logs that keep track of your daily water intake. Free Version Some people drink a ton of water during exercise, which is not good at all. These apps will help you take the right amount at the right time. And to be honest, after a while you will make a habit of drinking water by yourself without the need of any app. So how much water you are drinking a day? Do share your experience with us in the comments below. Featured Image Credits

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