Here are a handful of hacking statistics to show just how prominent this issue is in the world.

General Hacking Statistics 2023

Recent Hacking Statistics and Facts 2023

The Costs of Hacking Statistics 2023

Email and Social Media Hacking Statistics 2023

IoT Hacking Statistics 2023

Historic Breaches and Hacking Statistics

How common is it to be hacked?

There are over 2,200 cyber-attacks reported each day, will thousands more happening under the radar. On average, more than 800,000 people are impacted each year, making it one of the largest mass-scale crimes for businesses and individual users.

What percentage of hackers are caught?

The truth is – that most hackers never get caught. In fact, almost 80% of all cyber-attacks are never reported, making it hard for authorities to track down perpetrators. Out of the cases that are reported, only 5% of hackers will be punished for their crimes.

What percentage of hacking is phishing?

Phishing (also known as social engineering) is the most common form of hacking. It is believed that 80% of all cyber attacks start with a phishing scam either through email, text message, or social media. In 2021, companies involved in phishing scams lost $14.8 million.


The need for increased cyber security is crucial. Not only will this save companies billions of dollars each year, but it will also protect users from falling victim to a vicious cyber-attack. Sources:

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