However, most people are unaware of how insecure their passwords are, compromising their accounts and exposing them to hackers. Here are a few interesting facts to inspire you to use better security practices.

General Password Statistics and Facts 2023

Password Hacking Statistics 2023

Password Security Statistics 2023

Business Password Statistics 2023

Interesting Password Statistics and Facts 2023

How often are passwords hacked?

Roughly 40% of Americans have had their accounts compromised at least once (47% of those who have lost money as a result of the hack). Businesses are also susceptible to phishing scams – 51% have said they’ve been hacked in the past. You can strengthen your password by using 2FA or MFA and by creating a password longer than 12 characters.

How many people have an insecure password?

80% of people have had their accounts compromised due to a weak password. Not only are passwords commonly reused, but they’re often short and easy to guess. And if asked to change their password, 49% of people will only change one letter or digit.

What are the 10 most common passwords?

8 out of the top 10 most common passwords are only numerical digits (qwerty and password are the only two alphabetical passwords to make a list). Over 103 million people use “123456”, making it the most common password in the world. With a weak password, hackers can crack into your account in under one second.


Although it’s convenient to choose or reuse an easy password, you open yourself up to potential hackers and scammers. But by using a strong password and secure MFA, you can protect yourself and your data without worrying about an account breach. Sources:

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