There are many different ways you can go about capturing leads, from specific lead capture pages, to exit intent pop-ups, to competitions. In this article, we’re going to look at one particularly effective method, lead magnets. In nature, a magnet is a powerful combination of metals surrounded by an invisible magnetic field, pulling other similar metals towards it. In business, lead magnets work very much the same way. It’s important to have a hook, giving the world an easy way to provide you with their contact information. Simply put, the more people you pull in, the more leads you’ll generate. Lead magnets exist in many shapes and forms, allowing great room for creativity. If you’re new to the lead generation game, introducing lead magnets should be high on the agenda when devising your marketing strategy. Without them, you’ll have trouble pushing more leads down the funnel and getting the results you need. Below, you’ll find some more info on the benefits of lead magnets, how to use them on your website, and 25 great examples of lead magnets you need to add to your page right now.

Lead Magnets: Prioritizing the End Goal

The purpose of the lead magnet is to convert as many leads as possible. They offer a method for capturing customer details without pressuring them to buy right away. It’s no secret that most prospects and new visitors to your site won’t want to commit to a purchase right away, and being too pushy will just scare them off. That’s where lead magnets come in handy. Lead magnets come in many forms, but they all do the same thing: they offer free content to your website visitors in exchange for their basic contact information. This helps you build up your email list on the back end, while prospective customers on the front end are happy to get a piece of something for free – without the pressure to buy anything. According to research performed by Leadpages, having a lead magnet on your website can improve signup rates by 85%. When it comes down to the numbers, there’s no doubt about it: lead magnets to generate leads faster and are more effective than any other marketing tool.

Creating Lead Magnets on Your Website 2023

Now that you’re getting excited about adding this powerful and easy-to-use lead generation tool to your website, you need to know the right way to create one. The best way to create a lead magnet is to really focus on what kind of buyers you want. What kind of leads are you trying to generate? In other words, what does your ideal buyer persona look like? You don’t want to just attract all the people in the world – you want to attract your kind of people. The people you know will be interested in what your business has to offer. While lead magnets excel at bringing in tons of new contacts, you don’t just want to share your magnet en-masse and compromise the quality of your growing email list. A successful lead magnet needs:

This is a strong reason for your buyers to click on it. Why should a new website visitor download the free content you’re offering? Is this free content valuable enough to keep them coming back for more? The less convincing you have to do, the more successful your lead magnet will be.

A quick and easy solution. Rapid consumption is the name of the lead magnet game, and you need to focus on solving your new buyers’ questions and issues as fast as you can. Anything to keep new leads flowing down the funnel.

The last thing you need is the correct type of lead magnet. Below, you’ll find 25 examples of different lead magnet options that may work for you. Remember to really think about what your company offers and what kind of content will hook new visitors the most.

25 Lead Magnets to Use Right Now 

1. Ebooks


Ebooks can be used to promote a wide variety of products or services. For example, if you are a real estate agent, you could offer an ebook on “10 Tips for Buying Your First Home. ” If you are a financial advisor, you could offer an ebook on “5 Ways to Save Money.” The key to making an ebook an effective lead magnet is to make sure that it is packed with valuable, actionable content. Your ebook should be well-written and easy to read, and it should provide readers with a step-by-step guide to achieving a specific goal. One of the examples is an eBook for “Strumming & Rhythm Guitar” from James Testani, founder of the Good Guitarist and a successful Thinkific course designer. Beginner guitarists will enjoy learning how to strum and play rhythm guitar with this ebook.

2. Webinars


The high perceived value of the webinar lead magnet is one of the reasons for its success. People don’t want to miss webinars as they provide expert knowledge and happen at a specific time. You can use webinars to provide engaging video content and to allow your audience to ask questions in a Q&A session. That’s how it generates tons of emails in a very short time.

3. Checklists


Checklists are an excellent lead magnet concept. This resource is great for small firms and entrepreneurs because it is simple to build and does not require a significant investment of time and resources. Simply reduce your knowledge on a single subject into a bulleted list and create a PDF. Checklists can be used to accompany video lessons, how-to blog pieces, and recipes, among other things. With this lead magnet concept, the possibilities are truly unlimited. One of the examples is the “Perfect Optin Form Checklist” which includes a list of all 63 items required to make the ultimate opt-in form.

4. Cheatsheets


If you’re looking for a way to assist your target audience in resolving a problem, why not create a cheat sheet lead magnet? This is a wonderful place to start if you’re seeking simple lead magnet ideas. Cheat sheets provide your audience with a tool they can use on a daily basis, which is the most effective approach to keep your brand in front of their minds.

5. Templates

Source: Everyone knows how long it takes to build a document template, so why not utilize one if one is available? With a variety of features and formats, any type of template may be produced. More individuals will use the template if it is user-friendly and professional. As a lead magnet, you might ask for the visitor’s email address or have them sign up for your newsletters or channel. This will be beneficial. This Content Marketing Strategy Template is a practical tool that helps content managers and marketers plan their content and campaigns in a neat, organized way. It can, of course, and should be customized according to unique internal workflows. Its purpose is meant to inspire someone to bring organization, cohesion, and consistency to an already existing content strategy or inspire a strong start to a content strategy.

6. Guides


A guide is a comprehensive compilation of the greatest information on a specific topic. What is the primary distinction between this and an eBook? You’re not reusing blog entries; instead, you’re connecting to other websites. It’s critical that you don’t just copy and paste someone else’s content into your guide; instead, include a link back to the original post.

7. Toolkits

Source: Developing a toolbox enables you to create leads and establish authority in your niche. It is a collection of templates, checklists, and e-books that can be useful for a specific activity (writing a blog post, creating beautiful visuals for social media, and so on). Toolkits are excellent lead magnets since they include all of the necessary hands-on resources for a particular topic.

8. Whitepapers

Source: A whitepaper is an in-depth thought leadership item that provides your audience with unique data, perspectives, or guidance. It enables your reader to understand a complex issue and the precise measures necessary to overcome it. They’re especially advantageous in marketing because clients frequently have a longer sales cycle and require far more information before making a purchase decision.

9. Social Selling

Source: When it comes to generating leads and increasing your revenue, social media provides numerous beneficial prospects. For example, LinkedIn has risen to become the most successful social media site for generating B2B leads. It is no longer just for recruitment; it now provides a variety of ways to contact qualified prospects and present them with information about the solutions you can provide them with, including in-mail, messages, company updates, and likes. Before initiating contact with a lead, you have the option to discover as much as possible about that person using social media. It is possible to have a good understanding of an individual’s position within an organization, what their pain points are, and how your company’s solutions could make their everyday job easier by looking them up on LinkedIn. In addition, you can qualify your leads before contacting them, which will help you to assess how much purchasing power each individual has within their company.

10. Product Trial

Source: This type of lead magnet is extremely common in SaaS organizations. The rules are simple: you give an app or a software utility in exchange for an email address from a subscriber. In contrast to a free plan, a free trial allows your subscribers access to certain of your resources for a short time.

11. Coupons or Discount Codes


A coupon and a discount offer a lucrative bargain to a potential customer. Coupons and discounts are extremely popular as lead magnets among B2C firms, particularly e-commerce brands. Coupons and discounts are typically delivered via pop-up windows when a prospective consumer first visits a store. The majority of people who purchase online are seeking good deals, and offering them a coupon or a discount is an excellent approach to getting their attention.

12. Newsletter Sign Up


A newsletter is a report that contains the most recent news from a firm and industry happenings. It can also be a simple digital letter distributed to subscribers by a business or an individual blogger about a specific subject. Subscription-based newsletters require an email address. A newsletter should be mostly instructional in nature, with a few promotional items thrown in for good measure. There is no use in investing in a newsletter if it is crammed with brand promotions that you can publish elsewhere.

13. Infographics


In reality, infographics can increase web traffic by 12% or more, and according to a Venngage survey, 42 percent of marketing respondents believe that original images, including infographics, are the most appealing to their viewers. By all means, make infographics available for free. However, you can keep a few on hand to serve as lead magnets. MarketingProfs produced a stunning, long-form infographic on content marketing. You might make something similar for your audience and then tease the audience with a screenshot of a part of the graphic.

14. Free Consultation


A free consultation is an initial meeting with a brand’s representative during which they meet the consumer, ascertain the nature of their problem, and determine whether they can resolve it. When visiting a law firm’s website, you’re frequently greeted with free consultations as lead magnets. As a result, it’s an excellent way to expand your email list.

15. Live Chat

Source: HostPapa’s B2B lead generation is based on live chat, with customer care representatives delivering more than 11,000 messages every month, making it their most effective lead-generating channel. They convert approximately 30% of these site visitors as a result of their focus on the customer experience. In an effort to preserve their resources, they are utilizing customer support and live chat that is fully integrated into Slack to communicate with customers. Therefore, there are receiving and respond to all of their messages immediately through Slack. Most importantly, they can receive messages that have come in by Facebook, SMS, or email, allowing them to consolidate all of their messages into a single Slack channel, which is quite convenient.

16. File Swiping

Source: A swipe file is a collection of resources that include ideas about a particular subject. For instance, copywriters frequently maintain a swipe file of possible headlines, content promotion ideas, and future article topics. Swipe files provide significant value to leads due to the fact that they contain unique content assets

17. Additional Content


If you charge for the additional content, this might be a tough lead magnet. However, if an introduction to the content has piqued visitors’ curiosity, you might ask them to fill out a sign-up form to gain access to the additional content. This is a simple pitch to a captive audience in order to obtain their contact information. It also serves as a point of reference as you attempt to bring their attention to your business and raise awareness of their specific needs. For example, if you have an article titled “The 5 Pieces of Equipment That Every Puppy Needs,” you might provide readers with an exclusive PDF that includes a few more pieces of equipment that may have come on the market since the original post was published. Avoid charging for extra content because your competitors will almost certainly undercut you or provide it for free. You’ll be left out in the cold.

18. Calculators

Source: Startup founders often get notices from Delaware saying that they owe large franchise tax bills. This calculator helps them 1) see a more reasonable amount that they probably owe, and 2) gets them into the funnel of this accounting firm. So it’s a win for both the business owner, who gets a piece of data that might actually save them on taxes, and it’s good for accounting firms because they get another lead.

19. Case Study

Source: Case Studies can be used as lead generators in a couple of ways. One way is to make the case study a downloadable PDF that must be restricted by requiring registration. The other option, which is also very interesting, is to present it as news or blog material with calls to action peppered throughout.

20. Downloaded Calendar

Source: A downloaded calendar is also a creative method to get customers interested in your company if you’re seeking exciting lead magnet ideas. Create a calendar to aid your audience in remembering crucial events, following a program, or learning new information. With this lead magnet concept, the sky’s the limit.

21. Quizzes

Source: People enjoy taking quizzes. They want to discover more about themselves, have some fun, and acquire insights. You’ll have a superb lead magnet if you can build a thought-provoking question. Examine the exit popup on the Legion Athletics website. It invites you to take a supplement test. To get started, simply click on one of two buttons. Then you’re asked what your primary fitness objective is.

22. Surveys & Polls

Source: Use a survey or poll to ask your audience for their thoughts on a certain topic. Simply by requiring users to give their email addresses in order to participate or see the results, surveys, and polls may be easily transformed into lead magnets. Surveys and polls are effective lead magnets since they’re simple to create and customized to your sector. You can also utilize them to provide clients with information about popular opinions and current trends in your niche.

23. Access to Closed Groups

Source: Creating a members-only LinkedIn group about a specific issue is another technique to turn website traffic into leads. You’ll need to ask website visitors to join the group and maintain a frequent presence on LinkedIn. You’ll be able to build a community and establish yourself as a true industry leader in this way. You’ll also have the opportunity to interact with interested customers.

24. Podcasts

Source: Make a podcast if you want to develop a stronger relationship with your audience and introduce them to your own brand. Because they’re customizable and ideal for an on-the-go audience, podcasts are effective lead magnets. You can promote yourself as a thought leader in your industry while also providing your company a more relatable, friendly face by speaking on a podcast. As an additional lead magnet, you may give a PDF transcript of your podcast for listeners to download. Remember to invite other professionals and like-minded businesses to join your podcast as guests to broaden your audience.

25. Free shipping

Source: People are more likely to make buy if you provide free shipping. What’s more, they’re more inclined to buy anything for $5 with free shipping than to pay $2.50 for products plus a $2.50 shipping price. So, if you own an online store, consider how this lead magnet will function with your target demographic. Offering free delivery to users in the decision stage of the sales funnel may become your power move, in my opinion.


Want to hook new leads the right way? Give them a little taste of what they’ll get when they commit to you. Lead magnets are free and they don’t pressure newcomers into doing anything. They do, however, entice them into giving you their contact information in exchange for a free tool that they will find really valuable. Whether it’s giving them something to use, read, watch, or download, they’ll be happy to convert into happily nurtured leads. Hopefully, the examples above have been able to give you some ideas for setting up your lead magnets on your site. There are plenty of options available to implement these tactics regardless of what CMS you are on. The likes of WordPress and Shopify have ample options, both free and paid that you can choose from to use. There are also options for bigger eCommerce websites to use specific software (like ours) that can help them increase leads and conversion rates on their website. If it’s your first time trying these it might be a bit of trial and error and first, but that’s the way you’ll find the best combination of lead magnets that can have a real positive impact on your business. So, there’s no time like the present! Pick one or two and get to work! I recommend you read this post on e-commerce statistics if you’re interested to learn more about the topic.   About

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